Products with ionic compounds

Yahoo! Answers - Ionic Compound and.
Enthusiasts With Products They NaBr is what ionic compound - The Q&A. Electronic Products With
How do you work out the formula of an.
NaBr is Sodium Bromide (Na is Sodium, Br is Bromine) Usually when you link only two elements together the ending of the product is -ide
31.10.2008 · Best Answer: im not sure if this is what you mean but, i hope this helpss.. Baking soda= NaHCO3 Brown sugar= C12H22O11 Pepper= C17H19O3N
30.12.2008 · Best Answer: NaOH is actually drain opener. NaCLO is bleach. NaCl is table salt. soap and detergent have Na+ ends cream of tartar, tartaric acid alum
ionic compound : Definition - Life.
24.09.2008 · Best Answer: an ionic compound is made when a metal reacts with a non-metal, to balance out the equation you must see what charges they are, eg copper, Cu
This quiz determines your mastery of ionic compound names and formulas, including the first seven polyatomic ions.
What are ionic compounds - The Q&A wiki

Give me a list of products with Ionic.
Ionic compounds are compound consisting of a metal plus a nonmetal. The metal and the nonmetal both have charges that you can find on the periodic table, and they
Definition of ionic compound This site is dependent on visitors like you. If you think you can add more to this definition or see a correction that needs to be
Products with ionic compounds
What are some ionic compounds found in.
21.04.2008 · Best Answer: Molecular compounds are made of molecules. 1)each molecule contains anywhere from two atoms (diatomic molecules) to thousands (biological
Products with ionic compounds
Give me a list of products with Ionic. .